Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Well Completion Quiz # 2

11) Which of the following down hole safety valves are surface controlled?


a.       Differential pressure valves.
b.      Flapper valve.
c.       Wire-line retrievable valves.
d.      Tubing retrievable valves.
e.       Automatic valve
f.       Ambient pressure valves.
g.      Ball valve.

12) How does a packer create the annulus/tubing seal?

  1. By hydraulic control from the surface.
  2. It seals off the tubing within the packer bore.
  3. In conjunction with the completion tubular it isolates the annulus from the casing below the packer and from the tubing bore.
  4. By being located into a tieback receptacle.

13) How do flow control devices seal within the nipple bore?

  1. With mandrel locking dogs and matching nipple recesses.
  2. By metal to metal seals.
  3. With elastomeric packing in a polished nipple bore.
  4. With slips
  5. With expanding rubber elements in the nipple bore.
  6. On no-go shoulders.

14) How would circulation be established if a sliding side door could not be opened for circulation purposes in a completion?

  1. Pull the down hole safety valve from the nipple.
  2. Connect the tubing and ‘A’ annulus on the surface.
  3. Unset the packer.
  4. Make a hole in the tubing with a tubing punch.

15) How are well fluids prevented from entering the annulus from the tubing , if a side pocket mandrel is used for gas lifting or chemical injection?

a. by differential pressure.
b. by check valves in the gas lift valves.
c. by venture effect across the port.

16) How are sub-surface controlled down hole safety valves operated?


a. by ambient pressure.
b. by differential pressure.
c. by hydraulic pressure.
d. by a fall in the temperature of the well bore fluid.
e. by a rise in the temperature of the well bore fluid.

17) Which of the following statements about Xmas tree valves are true?


a. after closing , a manual valve should be backed out a part of a turn.
b. it is necessary to close the valve as tightly as possible.
c. counting the turns while operating the valve can show if there is an obstruction at the valve.
d. all valves take 24 turns to open or close.
e. the indicator shows how many turns are still required to fully close the valve.

18) Where is a sliding sleeve normally positioned when used as a circulating device?

      a.   Immediately above the packer
      b.   Below the packer in a single zone completion.
      c.   between packers for individual zone production.

19) Which of the following statements about hangers are true?


a.       It allows communication from inside the completion to the completion annulus through control line ports.
b.      There is usually a place for a plug inside the hanger body.
c.       It supports the weight of the top of the completion.
d.      It supports the weight of the completion and top string of casing.
e.       It allows communication into the completion annulus through the control line.

20) What is the primary purpose of a packer in producing a well?

a.       To retain completion fluid in the annulus.
b.      To anchor the bottom of the tubing
c.       To support tubing weight

d.      To enable the completion annulus to be isolated.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Offshore Engineering

Contents of the handbook include the following chapters:

Historical Development of Offshore Structures
Novel and Marginal Field Offshore Structures
Ocean Environment
Loads and Responses
Probabilistic Design of Offshore Structure
Fixed Offshore Platform Design
Floating Offshore Platform Design
Mooring Systems
Drilling and Production Risers
Topside Facilities Layout Development
Design and Construction of Offshore Pipelines
Design for Reliability: Human and Organisational Factors
Physical Modelling of Offshore Structures
Offshore Installation
Materials for Offshore Applications
Geophysical and Geotechnical Design

Drop in your email id in the comment section for this book.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Well Completions Equipment Quiz # 1

1) What is the main reason for using tubing nipples in a completion?

a.   to receive flow control devices.
b.   to reduce well flow.
c.   for depth control of wire-line.

2) From which direction are down hole safety valves designed to prevent flow?

a.   both above and below.
b.   below.
c.   above.

3) Which type of closure mechanism is fitted to tubing retrievable down hole safety valves?


a.   plug
b.   sleeve
c.   gate.
d.   poppet
e.   ball
f.    flapper

4) What is the primary advantage of a wire-line retrievable down hole safety valve?

a.   can be retrieved and replaced.
b.   can be installed after running the tubing
c.   can be removed to allow through tubing intervention work.
d.   simple construction.

5) Which of the following statements about the circulation devices used in a well kill are true?


a.   check that the pressure rating is adequate for the work to be performed.
b.   check that the tail pipe plug is in place before opening the sleeve.
c.   check the pressure are equalized before opening.
d.   check that the catcher is installed below the sliding sleeve.
e.   check that the device is fully open.

6) How is a surface controlled wire-line retrievable down hole safety valve run in the well in the open position?

a.   with  a prong on the lock mandrel running tool.
b.   with a locked-in hydraulic pressure.
c.   with an automatic ‘J’ device.
d.   with a lock-open sleeve.

7) If a side packet mandrel is not in use, what type of valve is installed in the pocket as a positive closure to flow from either direction?

a.   A circulation valve.
b.   a gas lift valve.
c.   a dummy valve.
d.   a gate valve.
e.   a chemical injection valve.

8) What is the definition of a permanent packer?

  1. it can only be retrieved by milling it out.
  2. It can be set and retrieved on wire-line.
  3. It is fixed to the completion tubing.
  4. It is fixed, and can only be retrieved on the completion tubing.
  5. It can only retrieved with a special pulling tool.

9) How are lock mandrels locked into tubing nipples?

a.   on a NO-GO shoulders.
b.   with elastomeric packing in a polished nipple bore.
c.   by metal to metal seals.
d.   with mandrel locking dogs and matching nipple recesses.
e.   with slips.
f.    with expanding rubber elements in the nipple bore.

10)  Why is a down hole safety valve installed?

a.   to prevent production in the accidental event of surface valves being opened.
b.   to shut the well in to allow maintenance to surface equipment.
c.   to shut the well in, in an emergency situation.
d.   control production flow rates.
e.   to shut the well in and stop production.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015



Recall mud is made up of fluid (water, oil or gas) and solids (bentonite, barite etc).The aim
of any efficient solids removal system is to retain the desirable components of the mud
system by separating out and discharging the unwanted drilled solids and contaminants.
Solids in drilling fluids may be classified in two separate categories based on specific gavity,
(or density) and particle size.
Solids, classified by specific gravity, may be divided into two groups:
• High Gravity Solids (H.G.S.) sg = 4.2
• Low Gravity Solids (L.G.S.) sg = 1.6 to 2.9
The solids content of a drilling fluid will be made up of a mixture of high and low gravity
solids. High gravity solids (H.G.S) are added to fluids to increase the density,e.g. barytes,
whilst low gravity solids (L.G.S) enter the mud through drilled cuttings and should be
removed by the solids control equipment.
Mud solids are also classified according to their size in units called microns (). A micron is
0.0000394 in or 0.001 mm. Particle size is important in drilling muds for the following
• The smaller the particle size, the more pronounced the affect on fluid properties.
• The smaller the particle size, the more difficult it is to remove it or control its
effects on the fluid.
The API classification of particle sizes is:
Particle Size ()            Classification Sieve Size (mesh)
> 2000 Coarse                      10
2000 - 250 Intermediate       60
250 - 74 Medium                 200
74 – 44 Fine                        325
44-2         Ultra Fine
2-0         Colloidal

Solids contaminants and gas entrapped in mud can be removed from mud in four stages:
• Screen separation: shale shakers, scalper screens and mud cleaner screens.
• Settling separation in non-stirred compartments: sand traps and settling
• Removal of gaseous contaminants by vacuum degassers or similar equipment
• Forced settling by the action of centrifugal devices including hydrocyclones
(desanders, desilters and micro-cones) and centrifuges.

Figure 7.6 shows a layout for solids control equipment for a weighted mud system.
Shale shakers and scalper screens (Gumbo shakers) can effectively remove up to 80% of all
solids from a drilling fluid, if the correct type of shaker is used and run in an efficient
manner. Mud laden with solids passes over the vibrating shaker (Figure 7.7) where the liquid
part of mud and small solids pass through the shaker screens and drill cuttings collect at the
bottom of the shaker to be discharged.

There are two types of shaker operation: elliptical and linear motion. Field experience
indicate that elliptical shakers work better with water based muds and linear motion shakers
are more suited to oil based muds.
An absolute minimum of three shale shakers is recommended and that these shakers are
fitted with retrofit kits to allow quick and simply replacements.
The shakers should also be in a covered, enclosed housing with a means of ventilation and
each shaker fitted with a smoke hood.


Gas entrapped in mud must be removed in order to maintain the mud weight to a level
needed to control down hole formation pressures. Gas is removed from mud using a
vacuum degasser, see Figure 7.8. The latter is a simple equipment containing a vacuum
pump and a float assembly. The vacuum pump creates a low internal pressure which
allows gas-cut mud to be drawn into the degasser vessel and it then flows in a thin
layer over an internal baffle plate. The combination of low internal pressure and thin
liquid film causes gas bubbles to expand in size, rise to the surface of the mud inside the
vessel and break from the mud. As the gas moves toward the top of the degasser it is
removed by the vacuum pump. The removed gas is routed away from the rig and is then
either vented to atmosphere or flared.


Desanders and
desilters are
hydrocyclones and
work on the principle of separating solids from a liquid by reating centrifugal forces inside the hydrocyclone. Mud is injected tangentially into the hydrocyclone and the resulting centrifugal forces drive the solids to the walls of the hydrocyclone and finally discharges
them from the apex with a small volume of mud, Figure 7.9.
The fluid portion of mud leaves the top of the hydrocyclone as an overflow and is then sent to the active pit to be pumped downhole again.

(a) Desanders
Desanders are hydrocyclones with 6 in ID or larger.The primary use of desanders is in the
top hole sections when drilling with water based mud to help maintain low mud weights. Use of desanders prevents overload of the desilter cones and increases their efficiency by
reducing the mud weight and solids content of the feed inlet. Desanders should be used if the sand content of the mud rises above 0.5% to prevent abrasion of pump liners.
Desanders should never be used with oil based muds, because of its very wet solids
discharge. The desander makes a cut in the 40 to 45 micron size range. With a spray discharge, the underflow weight should be between 2.5 to 5.0 ppg heavier than the input

(b) Desilters
Desilters, in conjunction with desanders, should be used to process low mud weights used to drill top hole sections, Figure 7.10. If it is required to raise the mud weight this must be done with the additions of barytes, and not by allowing the build up of low gravity solids.
Desilters should never be used with oil based muds.
The desilter makes a cut in the 20 to 25 micron size range.
Typical throughput capacities are as follows:
Desanders 12"cone 500 gpm per cone.
6" cone 125 gpm per cone.
Desilters 4"cone 50 gpm per cone.
2" cone 15 gpm per cone.
As a visual check to see that the hydrocyclone
operations are at an optimum, the discharge should be in the form of a fine spray and a suction should be felt at the apex when covered with the hand. A rope  discharge means than the mud has lost its circular  motion and the cone is not working properly.

(c) Mud Cleaners
A mud cleaner consists of a battery of hydrocyclones placed above a high energy vibrating
screen, Figure 7.11. Mud cleaners must only be used when it becomes impossible to
maintain low mud weights by use of the shale shakers alone. It is far more efficient to use
desilters and process the underflow with a centrifuge than to use the screens of a mud
The use of mud cleaners with oil based muds should be minimised since experience
has shown that mud losses of 3 to 5 bbls/hr being discharged are not uncommon,
coupled with the necessity to adhere to strict environmental pollution regulations.
(d) Centrifuges Centrifuges use centrifugal forces to remove heavy solids from the liquid and
lighter components of the mud. A decanting centrifuge consists of a horizontal conical
steel bowl rotating a high speed, see Figure 7.12. The bowl contains a double-screw type conveyor which rotates in the same direction as the steel bowl, but at a slightly lower speed. When mud enters the centrifuge, the centrifugal force developed by the bowl holds the mud in a pond against the walls of the pond. In this pond the silt and sand particle settle against the walls and the conveyor blade scrapes and pushes the settled solids towards the narrow end of the bowl where they are collected as damp particles with no free liquid. The liquid and clay particles are collected as as overflow from ports at the large end of the bowl.

It is recommended to have at least one centrifuge on the rig site during all drilling
operations. For expensive muds or long term drilling operations, two centrifuges may prove
When dealing with low weight muds, the solids underflow is discarded as a means of solids
control to obtain desirable particle size distribution and reduce mud weight. Processing
capacity of the centrifuge may limit its use for this purpose to lower hole sections where the
circulation rates are low as the bowl speed must be at a maximum, so lower capacities can be
dealt with. It can also be used to process the underflow from desilters, returning an expensive
or environmentally harmful liquid phase to the active mud system, and discarding relatively
dry solid fines.
With weighted muds, the solids underflow containing barytes may be returned to the mud
system and the liquid phase containing viscosity building colloids discharged. However it is
unlikely to be used for this purpose with oil based muds for both economic and
environmental reasons.

Centrifuge efficiency is affected predominantly by the feed flow rate, but it is also affected
by the following operating parameters:
• Bowl speed (rpm).
• Bowl conveyer differential speed (rpm).
• Pool depth.

Solid Density From Retort Analysis Mud Calculation

Retort analysis is the method to determine solid and liquid components in the drilling fluid. In this article, we will adapt mass balance and retort analysis data to determine solid density in the mud.

Mass balance for mud is listed below;
We can rearrange the Euqation#1 in order to determine the solid density

In the report analysis, the volume is presented in percentage and summation of solid and liquid fraction equals to one.
The unit of each parameter is described below;
Vm = mud volume, %
ρ= mud density, ppg
Vw = water volume, %
ρ= water density, ppg
Vo = oil volume, %
ρ= oil density, ppg
Vs = solid volume, %
ρ= solid density, ppg
Note: this is not only cutting weight but it includes all weights of solid (cutting and weighting material).
Example: Mud weight used for the report is 12.0 ppg and the result from the analysis showing in the following percentage;
Base oil = 60%
Solid = 35 %
Water = 5%
Base oil weight = 7.0 ppg
Water weight = 8.6 ppg

ρ= 21.06 ppg
Total density of solid in the drilling mud is 21.06 ppg.