Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Petroleum Exploration/ Geology/ Geo-Physics

Following are the questions from Petroleum Exploration, try to find the answers have any quires post in comments.

01.  Oil is generally found in :

    a)   Igneous Rocks
b)    Metamorphic rocks
c)    Sedimentary rocks
d)    Any type of rocks

02.  Which of the following is essential for Hydrocarbon accumulation:

a)    Source rock
b)    Cap rock
c)    Reservoir rock
d)    All of the above

03.    The most popular Geophysical method used for Hydrocarbon Exploration is:

a)    Gravity Prospecting
b)    Magnetic Prospecting
c)    Seismic refraction method
d)    Seismic Reflection method

04.    4D seismic is:

a)    Time elapse 3D Seismic Survey
b)    Four Dimensional Survey method
c)    A method for direct detection of Hydrocarbon
d)    None of the above

05.    CDP seismic reflection survey:

a)    Improves S/N ratio
b)    Helps to cancel random noise
c)    Involves stacking of various shot & receive positions
d)    All of the above

06.In Refraction shooting, the distance between the shot & receiver is:

a)    Small
b)    Large
c)    Either small or large
d)    Less than the Critical distance

07.Vertical Seismic Profiling:

a)    Is a reconnaissance  survey method
b)    Useful in basement determination
c)    Useful in determining the subsurface velocity
d)    Useful in determining the surface velocity

08.Which  of the following is not a component of onland seismic reflection survey:

a)    Geophone
b)    Airgun
c)    Dynamite
d)    Hydrophone

09.High Density rocks show:

a)    Positive Anomaly
b)    Negative Anomaly
c)    Zero Anomaly
d)    None of the above

10. Sediments have:

a)    less magnetic susceptibility compared to Basement rocks
b)    more magnetic susceptibility compared to Basement rocks
c)    Same magnetic susceptibility compared to Basement rocks
d)    None of the above

11.In inhospitable terrain the best Geophysical prospecting method is:

a)    Gravity method
b)    Magnetic method
c)    Remote Sensing
d)    Seismic Refraction Survey:

12.Compressional waves:

a) Travel faster than Shear waves  and hence arrive later than S-waves  
b) Travel faster than Shear waves  and hence arrive earlier than S-waves
c) Travel slower than Shear waves  and hence arrive later than S-waves
e)    Travel slower than Shear waves  and hence arrive earlier than S-waves

13. An example of Direct Detection of Hydro carbon is

a)    3D seismic survey
b)    Bright spot
c)    PSDM
d)    PSTM

14.Interpretation is best with:

a)    Specialized team approach
b)    Functional team approach
c)    Multidisciplinary team approach
d)    Hiring Consultants

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