Sunday, January 17, 2016

Well Logging Qiuz

State whether True or False
01-Well log is a continuous record of a geophysical property along a borehole-True
02.-Depth of investigation of focused current resistivity tools is smaller than those of unfocussed tools-False
03.-No current source is used for SP log recording-True
04-High resistivity is always indicator of hydrocarbons-False
05-Induction resistivity tool is preferred over latero type tool in non conducting muds-True
06-Density log is basically a porosity log-True
07-Gamma Ray log is used as lithology indicator-True
08-Positive SP is developed against reservoir  section when salinity of formation water is more than that of mud filtrate-False
09-Dipmeter is based upon resistivity measurements-True
10-Neutron porosity (PHIN) increases with presence of gas-False


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