Thursday, January 7, 2016


Set 1: Offshore Engineering
I.                   Choose the correct option
1.      Flexible risers are applied in water depths of up to
a.        1000 m
b.        1400 m
c.        1800 m
d.        2000 m

2.      A top tension riser and a steel catenary riser are used in depths as much as
a.        1260 m
b.        1370 m
c.        1460 m
d.        1570 m

3.      Toughness is defined as the work required to deform ___________ of metal until it fractures.
a.       one cubic inch
b.      two cubic inch
c.       three cubic inch
d.      ten cubic inch

4.      Prepare piping and instrumentation drawings comes under ___________ of drilling site.
a.       Final design
b.       Basic design
c.        Intermediate design
d.       None

5.      ____________  supports the drilling and production equipment and life support systems of the platform.
a.       Riser
b.      Dog house
c.       Deck
d.      Storage tank

6.      Due to human error, operational and equipment failure ______________ occur at drilling site.
a.       Accidental loads
b.      Gravity loads
c.       Wind loads
d.      All

7.      Which is not a jacket rig parts
a.       Jackets
b.      Braces
c.       Appurtenances
d.      None

8.      The loads depend on the location and environment of the platform site is __________________.
a.       Accidental load
b.      Environmental load
c.       Wind load
d.      Wave load

9.      Steel catenary is a type of
a.       Production riser
b.      Drilling riser
c.       Conductor
d.      None

10.  Burst is checked to ensure that the riser can withstand the _____________ from the drilling fluid (mud).
a.       Exterior pressure
b.      Interior pressure
c.       Both (a) & (b)
d.      None

II.                Fill in the blanks

11.  Drilling risers are used to contain fluids for _____________.
12.  Production risers are used to convey ____________________ from the seabed to the platform.
13.  Risers connect the floating drilling/production facility with _______________ and are critical to safe field operations.
14.  _______________ is designed to resist the large bending moments of risers.
15.  The top tension risers are initially held in a desired tension which helps in the __________________ of the riser under the environmental loads.
16.  The selection of the riser configuration is based on a risk/cost ________________ analysis.
17.  Production riser which is used most commonly is ____________ production riser.
18.  The material used for making riser should have strength, hardness and ________________.
19.  The Acquire phase of drilling field involves geological, seismic, concept and ________________ risk assessment activities that lead to the acquiral of a lease.
20.  The Develop phase of drilling field includes engineering design, construction, production drilling, well completion, _____________ and commissioning.

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